Pimenta-de-macaco: Flavor and Tradition of the Cerrado

Pimenta-de-macaco: Flavor and Tradition of the Cerrado

Slow Food Cerrado

17/02/2025 1:39PM

Sinopse do Episódio "Pimenta-de-macaco: Flavor and Tradition of the Cerrado"

Discover the pimenta-de-macaco (monkey pepper), a spice native to Brazil with a unique flavor and multiple benefits. This podcast explores the history, culinary uses, and medicinal properties of this fascinating plant. Monkey pepper, also known as Xylopia aromatica, has been used by traditional and indigenous peoples as a condiment and for medicinal purposes. Discover how the Portuguese used it as a substitute for black pepper and how it remains present in Brazilian culture. Explore monkey pepper’s complex flavor profile, with earthy notes and a mild heat that set it apart from other peppers. Learn how to use it in sweet and savory dishes to add an exotic and intriguing touch. Monkey pepper has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, fungicidal and bactericidal properties. Explore how it can aid digestion, protect the stomach and even fight cancer. Monkey pepper plays an important role in the recovery and preservation of the Cerrado, a crucial biome that has already lost much of its vegetation cover.

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