you are unique / meditation for kids (special edition miniBuddha's bday)

you are unique / meditation for kids (special edition miniBuddha's bday)

minibuddha - meditação para crianças e famílias

27/05/2021 7:00AM

Sinopse do Episódio "you are unique / meditation for kids (special edition miniBuddha's bday)"

English: to celebrate miniBuddha's 1st birthday, we are releasing the English version of one of the most played episodes ("Você é Único e Especial"). this special edition is a initiative to reach more and more kids around the globe. this is our mission: to bring more love to children and their families. we all have challenges in our lives or situations that we have to work hard to get through. but it doesn’t weaken us. it makes us even braver to move forward. and every time you are in doubt whether or not you will be able to face your challenges, you just need to remember: YOU ARE SPECIAL, UNIQUE, INTELLIGENT, AND CREATIVE! want to send us a message? email us to [email protected]. Português: para comemorar um aninho do miniBuddha, estamos lançando esse episódio em inglês de um dos episódios mais tocados no podcast. uma forma de cumprir com a nossa missão que é de levar mais amor para todas as crianças do mundo. quer mandar um oi pra gente? mande um email :) gratidão a todos que escutam o miniBuddha! namastê! Written and produced by: Nidia Panyzza Voice: Nidia & Lavinia Translated by Danielle Petra

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