Episode #9 - How do we learn better? Auditive and Digital Version

Episode #9 - How do we learn better? Auditive and Digital Version

Coach Esteban 101

24/06/2020 10:45AM

Sinopse do Episódio "Episode #9 - How do we learn better? Auditive and Digital Version"

We absorb information through 5 senses and NLP divided these into 4 representational systems to decide which way people learn better. In this episode you'll practice your listening by getting to know about 2 of these systems; the auditive and digital. Furthermore, if you are intereseted in knowing your learning style, access my website where you can do the test! https://evolvelearn.com.br Check it out! #purpose #coachesteban101 #inglesonline #aprenderingles #inglesfluente #ingles #inglesbasico #inglesfacil #inglesparatodos #inglesparabrasileiros #inglês #inglesrapido #falaringles #inglesemcasa #simpleenglish #inglessimples

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