Episode #6 - CEFR Level A1 - Basic User

Episode #6 - CEFR Level A1 - Basic User

Coach Esteban 101

03/06/2020 10:00AM

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How is your english level measured? Normally schools and companies use the Common European Framework of Reference or CEFR to level their students/employees. Go deeper into level A1, the first level of the CEFR in this podcast. Spread the news! Know more about Coach Esteban: bit.ly/esteban101 #purpose #coachesteban101 #inglesonline #aprenderingles #inglesfluente #ingles #inglesbasico #inglesfacil #inglesparatodos #inglesparabrasileiros #inglês #inglesrapido #falaringles #inglesemcasa #simpleenglish #inglessimples

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