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Mais episódios do podcast Coach Esteban 101
- Episode #57 - Seu maior sabotador no inglês
- Episode #56 - Mentalidade para ser fluente em 2022
- Episode #55 - Listening Practice - How to never quit learning English again
- Episode #54 - Este fator afeta seu desempenho no inglês
- Episode #53 - Listening Practice - How to make a presentation in English
- Episode #52 - A minha definição de ESFORÇO para aprender idiomas
- Episode #51 - Listening Practice - Past tense + travel vocabulary MY TRIP TO MEXICO 2014
- Episode #50 - Como NUNCA MAIS desistir do inglês
- Episode #49 - Listening Practice - The jobs I had along my life
- Episode #48 - 4 passos para criar hábitos de estudos e melhorar seu inglês
- Episode #47 - Listening Practice - Why do you get mental blockades?
- Episode #46 - O que acontecerá com o inglês pós-pandemia?
- Episode #45 - Listening Practice: How to study English by yourself
- Episode #44 - Técnicas para praticar 'writing' ou escrita em inglês
- Episode #43 - Listening Practice - 2 types of goals to define when learning English
- Episode #43 - 6 passos para conseguir falar inglês em público
- Episode #42 - Listening Practice - Everything about the Phrasal Verbs Challenge
- Episode #41 - Por que não sou fluente? Veja as 2 causas
- Episode #40 - 3 Técnicas para perder a VERGONHA de falar inglês
- Episode #39 - Encarando seus medos em inglês - Uma conversa entre 2 profissionais
- Episode #38 - Por que você se bloqueia ao falar inglês
- Episode #37 - Como estudar inglês sozinho?
- Episode #36 - Como ele aprendeu um idioma em 3 meses
- Episode #35 - Você está focando em ser fluente? Está fazendo errado!
- Episode #34 Você se identifica com o Perfil I, E ou B?
- Episode #33 Os 2 tipos de metas a definir para aprender inglês
- Episode #32 - Season Finale (Freetalking)
- Episode #31 - 'The turning point' Formula
- Episode #30 - How can I retain 70 to 95% of what I learn?
- Episode #29 How can I practice reading in English, in 4 steps?
- Episode #28 - Use this technique to practice effectively
- Episode #27 - Freetalking about parenting.
- Episode #26 - How can you use podcasts to practice listening?
- Episode #25 - The day I was going to teach and I ended up learning
- Episode #24 - What is the C1 level in the CEFR?
- Episode #23 - 19 Common lies or misconceptions about English
- Episode #22 - What are you good at in English?
- Episode #21 - The 10 milestones in my life thanks to speaking English
- Episode #20 Do I need a Language Coach, or an English teacher? Know the difference!
- Episode #19 A secret to start and mantain a conversation in English
- Episode #18 - What is my vision of the language? Freetalking.
- Episode #17 - A new vision on how to improve your English
- Episode #16 - How can I practice English daily?
- Episode #15 - How can a bunch of pages change someone's life upside down?
- Episode #14 - Why is number 7 important for your english?
- Episode #13 - Do you use time wisely when it comes to English?
- Episode #12 - What blocks you from learning English?
- Episode #11 - My secret to teaching english - English Version
- Episode #10 - Have you said this sentece about your english?
- Episode #9 - How do we learn better? Auditive and Digital Version
- Episode #8 - How do we learn better? Visual and Kinesthetic Version
- Episode #7 - Raising Bilingual Kids
- Episode #6 - CEFR Level A1 - Basic User
- Episode #5 - Music as a source of learning English
- Episode #4 - STS - The principle of eloquence
- Episode #3 - The English Compass
- Episode #2 - Speaking English opens these doors - English version
- Episode #1 - My Story English Version - Practice your listening