Present perfect tense vs. Past tense - audio in Portuguese

Present perfect tense vs. Past tense - audio in Portuguese

Daby Descomplica O Inglês

23/06/2021 12:29PM

Sinopse do Episódio "Present perfect tense vs. Past tense - audio in Portuguese"

Here in this small audio lesson, I am going to give you a quick fix for the present perfect tense as it is one of the most common verb tense in the English language.  I tip you off that you should try to include it in your daily speech, especially when referring to a past experience, say scholar - working experience - a landmark action, etc.  The present perfect tense is here to reinforce on the importance of the action, despite it is over, at the moment of speaking. This one will demand you to make some changes and practice further. Hope it helps!

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