Como usar melhor " remember " e " remind " em inglês? (audio in Portuguese language)

Como usar melhor " remember " e " remind " em inglês? (audio in Portuguese language)

Daby Descomplica O Inglês

25/05/2021 9:48PM

Sinopse do Episódio "Como usar melhor " remember " e " remind " em inglês? (audio in Portuguese language)"

In this small audio lesson, you can catch up with the common and distinct usages of the confusing verbs " remember " e " remind " in the English language. In a nutshell, remember is an action all done by the person, oneself, whereas, remind is a causative action done on the other person.  Remind clearly distinct that you may forget (used as a reminder or a caution message), may have forgotten (used as a prompt) or simply forgot and needs some help with. Hope it helps!

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