Ep 03 - Pílulas de Zoologia - Fósseis Vivos ?!

Ep 03 - Pílulas de Zoologia - Fósseis Vivos ?!

Zoologia para os meus ouvidos

05/04/2021 9:45PM

Sinopse do Episódio "Ep 03 - Pílulas de Zoologia - Fósseis Vivos ?!"

Galera, estamos de volta com mais um pílulas de Zoologia! Um quadro mais curto do seu podcast Zoologia para os Meus Ouvidos.Nesse episódio veremos algumas curiosidades sobre animais considerados fósseis vivos!Caso queiram ver os artigos que referenciam este episódio, acessem:Werth, A., Shear W. The Evolutionary Truth About Living Fossils. American Scientist, Volume 102, 2014. Disponível em <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/William-Shear/publication/266968061_The_Evolutionary_Truth_About_Living_Fossils/links/543fe1ad0cf2fd72f99dc3fb/The-Evolutionary-Truth-About-Living-Fossils.pdf>DCT Group Author. New fossil teeth of the White Shark (Carcharodon carcharias) from the Early Pliocene of Spain. Implication for its paleoecology in the Mediterranean. N. Jb. Geol. Paläont. Abh. 2010 Jan 1;256(1):7-16. https://doi.org/10.1127/0077-7749/2009/0029Cailliet, G. et al. Preliminary Studies on the Age and Growth of the White Shark, Carcharodon carcharias, Using Vertebral Bands. South. Calif. Acad. Sci., Memoirs, vol. 9, pp. 49-60, 1985. Disponível em <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/David-Ebert-7/publication/313768796_Preliminary_studies_on_the_age_and_growth_of_the_white_shark_Carcharodon_carcharias_using_vertebral_bands/links/5995a0754585153b5070039c/Preliminary-studies-on-the-age-and-growth-of-the-white-shark-Carcharodon-carcharias-using-vertebral-bands.pdf>Cuyler, C., Rowell, J., Adamczewski, J. et al. Muskox status, recent variation, and uncertain future. Ambio 49, 805–819, 2020. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13280-019-01205-xGeist, V. "Musk ox". Encyclopedia Britannica, 6 Jun. 2020, https://www.britannica.com/animal/musk-ox. Campos, P. et al. Ancient DNA analyses exclude humans as the driving force behind late Pleistocene musk ox (Ovibos moschatus) population dynamics.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences Mar 2010, 107 (12) 5675-5680; https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.0907189107 Lent, P. “Ovibos Moschatus.” Mammalian Species, no. 302, 1988, pp. 1–9. https://doi.org/10.2307/3504280Combosch, D. et al. Genomic signatures of evolution in Nautilus-An endangered living fossil. Molecular Ecology. 26, 2017. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.14344. Sasaki, T. et al. Anatomy of living Nautilus: Reevaluation of primitiveness and comparison with Coleoidea. Cephalopods - Present and Past, Tokai University Press, Tokyo, p. 35-66. 2010. Disponível em <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kazushige-Tanabe/publication/255962915_Anatomy_of_living_Nautilus_Reevaluation_of_primitiveness_and_comparison_with_Coleoidea/links/00b7d51ddfd78a78d5000000/Anatomy-of-living-Nautilus-Reevaluation-of-primitiveness-and-comparison-with-Coleoidea.pdf>HERRERA-FLORES ET AL. MACROEVOLUTIONARY PATTERNS IN RHYNCHOCEPHALIA: IS THE TUATARA (SPHENODON PUNCTATUS) A LIVING FOSSIL?. Palaeontology, Vol. 60, Part 3, 2017, pp. 319–328. https://doi.org/10.1111/pala.12284 Jones, M., Cree, A. Tuatara. Current Biology Vol 22 No 23. Disponível em <https://www.cell.com/action/showPdf?pii=S0960-9822%2812%2901303-6>Thomson, K. Living Fossil: The Story of the Coelacanth. EUA. W. W. Norton & Company, 1992.Amemiya, Chris T. et al. The African coelacanth genome provides insights into tetrapod evolution. Nature vol. 496,7445 (2013): 311-6. https://doi.org/10.1038/nature12027Forey, P. History of the Coelacanth Fishes. 1ª Edição. Londres, UK. Chapman & Hall, 1998.Hu et al. Hereditas (2018) Comparative transcriptome reveal the potential adaptive evolutionary genes in Andrias davidianus 155:18 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41065-018-0056-6Zhang L, Jiang W, Wang Q-J, Zhao H, Zhang H-X, Marcec RM, et al. Reintroduction and Post-Release Survival of a Living Fossil: The Chinese Giant Salamander. PLoS ONE 11(6): e0156715. 2016. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0156715

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