WITcast - Vaccine value chain, medical goods and international trade.

WITcast - Vaccine value chain, medical goods and international trade.


19/02/2021 11:13AM

Sinopse do Episódio "WITcast - Vaccine value chain, medical goods and international trade."

This episode of WITcast brings Anabel Gonzales, senior fellow at the Peterson Institute for International Economics, and Roy Santana, from the Market Access Division of the WTO, explaining the challenges of the vaccine value chain, the supply of medical goods and how international trade can contribute for an equitable and just environment. The reports mentioned in the interview can be accessed at: WTO Secretariat, Information Note - Export Prohibitions and Restrictions [and COVID-19], 23 April 2020: Link WTO Secretariat, Information Note – How WTO Members have used trade measures to expedite access to COVID-19 Critical Medical goods and services, 18 September 2020:  Link WTO Secretariat, Information Note - Trade in Medical Goods in the Context of Tackling COVID-19: Developments in the First Half of 2020, 22 December 2020: Link 1 and Link 2 (checklist) WTO Secretariat, Information Note - Developing and Delivering COVID-19 Vaccines Around the World, 22 December 2020: Link Marc Baccheta, Eddy Bekkers, Roberta Piermartini, et ales, COVID-19 and Global Value Chains -  A Discussion on the Arguments on Value Chain Organization and the Role of the WTO, Staff Working Paper ERSD-2021-3, 11 January 2021:  ersd202103_e.pdf (wto.org) Interviewers: Marina Carvalho, Milena Azevedo and Deborah Melo. Edition: Marina Carvalho and Deborah Melo. WITCast: the podcast of the Womeninsidetrade network! An international organization that contributes to the empowerment of women and seeks to address a gender gap that still exists in Brazil and in the world when it comes to international trade. www.womeninsidetrade.com.

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