S1E13 - Magic the Gathering VS Hearthstone (Feat André Umotivo)

S1E13 - Magic the Gathering VS Hearthstone (Feat André Umotivo)

Trocando Cards Podcast

10/03/2021 4:30PM

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Links da semana: Classificados Master Tour Ironforge: https://liquipedia.net/hearthstone/Masters_Tour_2021_Ironforge/Players_List Classificados Master Tour Ogrimmar: https://liquipedia.net/hearthstone/Masters_Tour_2021_Orgrimmar Umotivo: https://www.youtube.com/user/umotivo2 https://www.twitch.tv/umotivomtg https://twitter.com/AndreManentii Vídeos citados: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1aJJr6X_F6U             

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