Sinopse do Episódio "Trabalho de inglês 2"
CASO O TRABALHO ESCRITO NÃO ABRA. I’m going to talk a little about the book of the three little pigs the book starts with a family of little pigs that had three children. The little pigs were growing and the parents noticed that they were very dependent. They didn’t help with the housework or try anything. So one day, they got together and decided that the little pigs, who were already quite grown up, would live on their own. The parents gave each of them a little money, some good advice. The three little pigs left for the woods in search of a good place to build, each one, their house. The first little pig, who was the laziest of all and built a house of straw, the second little pig, who was less lazy than the first, built a house of wood. The third little pig, the wisest of all, preferred to build a house of bricks. The three little pigs heard that a dangerous wolf was prowling the woods. And not from - Go away you wolf. Here you will not enter. The wolf insisted and said: – Open this door soon or I will blow and blow and I will destroy your house. Seeing that the little pig wouldn’t open the door of the house, the wolf started to blow and blow so hard that the straw house flew through the air. The little pig, desperate, ended up running towards his brother’s wooden house and the wolf followed. The wolf then went to knock on the door of the second little pig’s house. The little pig, trying to intimidate him, said: Go away you wolf. In my wooden house you will not be able to enter. The wolf insisted and said: – Open this door soon or I will blow and blow and I will destroy this house. Seeing that the little pigs would not open the door of the house, the wolf began to blow and blow so hard that the wooden house fell and was in pieces. The little pigs, desperate, went to the other brother’s house. The wolf ran after them, but couldn’t reach them. Wolf then went to knock on the door of the third little pig’s house. The little pigs trying to intimidate him sang: Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf Big Bad Wolf, Big Bad Wolf?! Who is afraid of the bad wolf?! He’s a nice guy! O Wolf became more and more furious and shouted: - Open the door, now!!! And the little pigs replied: - Go away you wolf. You won’t be able to tear this house down because it’s made of brick and cement. The wolf insisted and said: – Open this door soon or I will blow and blow and I will destroy this house. Seeing that the little pigs would not open the door of the house, the wolf began to blow, blow, blow, and the house was still in its place. The wolf was so tired that he ended up sitting by the door to rest. Meanwhile, he thought and thought about how to get into the house and he had na idea. He went to get a ladder to climb to the roof of the house and enter the house through the chimney. The little pigs, seeing what the wolf was up to, reacted immediately. They boiled a huge bucket of water, placed it at the end of the chimney and waited. When the wolf entered the chimney, it fell right into the bucket full of boiling water. – Whoa, whoa, whoa!!!!!! Screamed the wolf, running to the lake to relieve the pain and the wolf never comes back to torment the little pigs