Seagull - "Seagulls on land" in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading

Seagull - "Seagulls on land" in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading

Poesias da Nonô - Nonô Poetry

22/10/2021 7:13AM

Sinopse do Episódio "Seagull - "Seagulls on land" in Poetic Animals - Nonô Reading"

See more: Seagulls on land Seagulls on land Watching the sea. bird that does not fly Can't get free. Three seagulls on a rock by the sea Beside the waves pass Taking a seagull to fly. Two seagulls remain on the rock haven't flown yet Because they are so afraid. One more takes off towards the sun There is only one left Looking for a lighthouse!

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