KWELAS - kwela de Spokes Mashiyane, the king of the penny whistle

KWELAS - kwela de Spokes Mashiyane, the king of the penny whistle

Paulo Oliveira's Podcast

20/04/2012 1:21PM

Sinopse do Episódio "KWELAS - kwela de Spokes Mashiyane, the king of the penny whistle"

Kroonstad, de Spoke Mashiyane Johannes "Spokes" Mashiyane was regarded as one of the greatest pennywhistle artists that graced the South African kwela music scene from the 1950s to (approximately) the 1970s. His name was derived from the bicycle wheel spokes from which he fashioned his first pennywhistle. He claimed that the inspiration for his songs were from his dreams. He played with other kwela greats of his time and he enjoys a respectable following to this day. He was married to Mary Mashiyane (Wikipedia).

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