#13 ESPECIAL ANFA 2020:​ "Elements of Enriched Environments that Attune Activated Optimal Health" (Tye S. Farrow)​

#13 ESPECIAL ANFA 2020:​ "Elements of Enriched Environments that Attune Activated Optimal Health" (Tye S. Farrow)​

NEUROARQ® Podcast: Reflexões sobre neuroarquitetura

30/11/2020 7:41PM

Sinopse do Episódio "#13 ESPECIAL ANFA 2020:​ "Elements of Enriched Environments that Attune Activated Optimal Health" (Tye S. Farrow)​"

Conteúdo produzido por Jade Mendonça, participante da IMERSÃO SOBRE A ANFA CONFERENCE 2020, organizada por nós da NEUROARQ® Academy, sobre as suas percepções da palestra "Elements of Enriched Environments that Attune Activated Optimal Health" de Tye S. Farrow.

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