Sinopse do Episódio "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. "
Do álbum Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts Club Band. Lançado no Reino Unido em 1° de junho de 1967 e nos EUA em 2 de junho de 1967.
Ouvir "Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. "
Mais episódios do podcast Beatles' Lovers
- Can't Buy Me Love
- Tell Me Why
- I'm Happy Just to Dance With Tou
- And I Love Her
- If I Fell
- I Should Have Known Better
- A Hard Days Night
- Strawberry Fields Forever
- Penny Lane
- Yellow Submarine
- Eleanor Rigby
- Blackbird
- Across the the Universe
- Michelle
- Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds.
- With a Little Help from my Friends
- While my guitar gently weeps
- Something.
- Retomando o podcast.
- Yesterday
- Nowhere Man
- Hello Goodbye
- The Long and Winding Road
- Love me do!
- Let it be
- Help
- Norwegian Wood
- Hey Jude
- She loves you
- A day in the life
- Conversa com Norival Alves Aleixo
- In my life
- All you need is Love
- Beatles' Lovers (Trailer)