Vamos aprender inglês? Nesse Podcast teremos aulas para que você possa chegar ao seu objetivo.
Últimos episódios do podcast English Cast
- In l on l at: time - Grammar
- The princess and the frog - Creative writing
- Countries - Vocabulary with audio
- Numbers - Vocabulary
- Means of transport - Flashcards
- First Conditional l Travelling around Europe - Grammar and exercise
- Countries and nationalities - Grammar
- Future perfect l Making predictions - Fun Activities Games
- A weekend in nyc - Icebreakers
- I Want It That Way - Brooklyn Nine Nine l Comedy Bites
- What's the weather like - Games
- Homer's feelings - Conversation
- Present perfect tense - Grammar and examples
- We will rock you - Music
- Jobs l Vocabulário das profissões em inglês
- Parts of the house - Fun activities games (part 2)
- Parts of the house - Fun activities games (part 1)
- Daily routine - Vocabulary
- Appearance - Vocabulary
- School objects - Vocabulary
- Regular verbs - Fun activities games
- Future forms l talking about the future (Part 4)
- Future forms l talking about the future (Part 3)
- Future forms l talking about the future (Part 2)
- Future forms l talking about the future (Part 1)
- Modal verbs: Should - Grammar
- Classroom objects - Vocabulary Exercise (Group Conversation)
- O que é o Anki - Aprendendo idiomas
- Adjectives - Grammar
- Used to - Grammar (Part 1)
- Parts of a house - Vocabulary
- Future: Going to - Grammar
- Can and can't - Grammar
- Must and Mustn't - Grammar
- Future Continuous - Grammar (Part 2)
- Future Continuous - Grammar (Part 1)
- The Second Conditional - Grammar
- The First Conditional - Grammar
- Quantifiers - Exercise
- Past Continuous - Practice
- Past Continuous - Exercises
- Past Continuous - Grammar
- Indefinite article (Games)
- Verb to be - Review and exercises (part 4)
- Verb to be - Review and exercises (part 3)
- Verb to be - Review and exercises (part 2)
- Verb to be - Review and Exercises (Part 1)
- Verb to be - Exercises
- Weather - Vocabulary
- Like and likes - Fun Activities Games
- Places in the city - Fun Activities Games
- Daily routines - Fun Activities Games
- Days of the week - Games
- One to ten - Music Games
- Weather - Conversation
- Musical instruments and present simple - Fun Activities Games (part 2)
- Musical instruments and present simple - fun activities games (part 1)
- School Places - Vocabulary
- What did you do yesterday - Conversation
- There is/ There are - Exercise
- Present Perfect Tense - Grammar Structure
- Countable and uncountable nouns - Grammar
- Places - Fun Activities Games
- Comparatives and superlatives - Fun activities games
- Past Simple - Regular verbs (Part 2)
- Past Simple - Regular Verbs (Part 1)
- Free time activities - Conversation
- Adverbs of frequency - Vocabulary
- Plural Nouns - Grammar (Part 2)
- Plural Nouns - Grammar (Part 1)
- Definite article - Grammar
- Future Simple - Grammar (Part 2)
- Future simple - Grammar (Part 1)
- Past Simple: Irregular Verbs - Grammar
- Brazil and Romania - Listening
- Personal Pronouns - Grammar
- English Cast (Trailer)
- English Verbs: lesson with tutor Jack
- Wh questions - Grammar
- Police - Pronunciation tips
- Expressing opinions - Vocabulary
- Past simple - was and were (Grammar - Part 2)
- Past simple - was and were (Grammar - Part 1)
- Present Continuous - Grammar
- Greetings - Conversation (part 2)
- Greetings - Conversation (part 1)
- 5 dicas para potencializar seu inglês
- Simple Present - Grammar
- Verb to be - Grammar